
9 notes when pregnant in the first 3 months to remember


Schedule of antenatal check-ups in the first 3 months

During pregnancy, the first trimester is a very important time.

In addition to being careful in diet, limiting vigorous exercise, the time of antenatal check-up during this period is also one of the notes when pregnant in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

First examination

The first time a mother should go to the doctor is when the pregnancy is 5-8 weeks old to know for sure whether she is pregnant or not, whether the fetus is implanted in the correct position or not.

You will also have your blood pressure, height, and weight measured.

Measure hCG level, do urinalysis, ultrasound blood test to accurately determine gestational age and expected date of delivery.

Second examination

When the fetus turns 8 weeks old, the mother should visit the doctor again for a more comprehensive health check.

Assessed fetal heart, embryo and will do basic tests like the first visit.

Third examination

This first 3 months antenatal checkup schedule should be conducted when the pregnancy is 12-13 weeks old. This is also the most accurate time to screen for fetal malformations through several tests. So, don't forget this important milestone!

Signs of good fetal development in the first 3 months

When you have the following signs, you can rest assured that your baby is still very healthy.

  • Indigestion, heartburn: If this phenomenon is present, it means that pregnancy hormones are still functioning normally, so the body's digestion is hindered.
  • Body aches: One of the notes during the first 3 months of pregnancy is that the mother's body will ache in the back and arms and legs because the fetus is growing. This is a normal sign, so don't worry.
  • Steady weight gain: Gaining about 0.5kg/week means that your baby is developing according to pregnancy standards.
  • Morning sickness: Morning sickness sometimes makes mom uncomfortable. But according to experts, this proves that the mother has all the necessary and sufficient conditions for the fetus to develop.
  • Stable blood pressure and sugar: If these two numbers are stable, you can rest assured that you have avoided the problem of preeclampsia. And also proves that the mother is living a fairly scientific lifestyle.

Note during the first 3 months of pregnancy – Abnormal signs should go to the doctor immediately

Besides the signs that the fetus is developing well. You should also pay attention to unusual signs on your body such as:

Heavy nausea

Morning sickness proves that the fetus is developing well, but if the mother vomits too much and is tired, the development of the fetus will also be affected. Therefore, when vomiting a lot, mothers should go to medical facilities for examination.

Abdominal pain and bleeding

This is an important thing to keep in mind during the first 3 months of pregnancy. If not detected and handled promptly, it will affect the safety of the baby and the health and life of the mother. Abdominal pain at this time can be caused by pregnancy, egg pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy.

If you only have abdominal pain but no bleeding, you just need to rest and avoid exercise. But if you have both abdominal pain and bleeding, this is one of the unusual signs in the first 3 months of pregnancy , which can warn of danger, and the mother needs to go to a medical facility immediately.

Vaginal discharge and itching

This could be a sign of vaginitis caused by hormonal changes. Although not dangerous, if the disease persists, it can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. To prevent this situation, the mother should clean the private area, use safe drugs and do not affect the fetus. It is best to follow your doctor's instructions.

Diarrhea, diarrhea

You may have a urinary tract infection. What you need to do at this point is to clean the genitals and take the medicine as directed by your doctor.

What to eat and drink in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

During this time, it's best to add fresh foods. Although you may have morning sickness, fatigue and loss of appetite during this period, try to stay healthy.

Some foods mothers should supplement such as green vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes to supplement folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, ...

What to eat and drink in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

In the first three months, the mother should abstain from eating green papaya, spinach, pineapple, etc. These foods will cause uterine contractions, make the mother uncomfortable and more dangerous, it can lead to miscarriage. Especially when suffering from abdominal pain, do not use wormwood according to folklore to eat or drink. Hot fruits such as longan and lychee should be avoided during the first 3 months of pregnancy. A note during the first 3 months of pregnancy to help the fetal brain develop is that the pregnant mother should limit the use of pickles, pickled bamboo shoots, and pickled vegetables.

In addition, mothers should only drink pasteurized milk, not fresh milk because it is easy to get infections. Mothers should also have the habit of eating cooked and drinking boiled water to protect the health of their children. Besides, the first 3 months of pregnancy, the mother should not drink coffee, carbonated soft drinks, alcohol.

Taboos in the first 3 months of pregnancy

Note that during the first 3 months of pregnancy, mothers should avoid the following as much as possible:

  • Nail polish: chemicals in nail polish can affect a child's IQ.
  • Do not use perfume, spray perfume on the body.
  • Do not carry heavy objects in front of your stomach.
  • Do not raise your arms up high.
  • Wear slippers 24/7 to avoid slipping.
  • Walk slowly, not fast. Do not ride long distances, ensure the safety of the fetus.
  • Teeth whitening: In the first 3 months, the mother's gums are very sensitive, so bleaching during this period will cause damage to the gums.
  • Have frequent, violent sex.
  • Strong movement.
  • Smoking, drinking beer, tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks.
  • Overwork.
  • Bathtub, sauna,…

Pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy should abstain from the above things to help prevent miscarriage. And help the baby best cling to the mother's uterus and develop comprehensively.

Tips to help reduce morning sickness

  • Eating ginger helps reduce nausea. In addition to eating ginger, you can also drink ginger juice or eat ginger jam to reduce nausea. However, if you have low blood pressure, low sugar or thin blood, you should not use this method.
  • Use mint: you can cook a teapot with mint or use mint in your daily meals. In addition, mothers can also use peppermint essential oil to feel more comfortable.
  • Use lemon: similar to mint, you can use lemon essential oil for comfort or smell the lemon peel to reduce nausea.
  • Spices that relieve morning sickness: anise powder, cinnamon, cumin.
  • Supplement vitamins with natural foods or support products.

The best exercises for pregnant women in the first 3 months

  • Walking: it is not necessary to go to the gym, regular exercise by walking to the market, going for a walk every day also helps pregnant women get stronger. However, you should only walk gently, exercise your hands and feet for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Swimming: this subject will help a lot for the respiratory system. But pregnant women should only swim back or drop on the water. Avoid stretching too hard, it will affect the fetus.
  • Practicing yoga: In the first three months, mothers should only practice gentle yoga exercises, comfortable postures so as not to affect the fetus.

Note when pregnant in the first three months of pregnancy should be like how?

Listening to music

Listening to music during pregnancy will support the development of the fetus and help the mother relax and comfortable. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, you can listen to music such as Mozart, Beethoven, etc. If you don't like these types of music, you can listen to lyrical music and lullabies.

note during the first 3 months of pregnancy and even throughout pregnancy, is that the mother should limit dance music with high volume, fast rhythm, and strong. These songs may upset the baby.

Read a book

Reading books not only helps mom relax, but also has more experiences. To have a healthy, scientific and comprehensive pregnancy, you can refer to some good books for pregnant women such as:

  • Mother and baby.
  • Instruct pregnant women to eat properly.
  • Written for first-time mothers.
  • What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
  • I Am Pregnant, Not Terminally Ill, You Idiot!

Talk to the unborn baby

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, how to teach the fetus, how to talk and communicate with the fetus daily is also a reference for the mother. Teaching by sound is a way for the fetus to develop and be intelligent right from the womb. It may be a bit awkward for first-time moms. But you can start by reading stories or confiding, whispering to your child.

Cuddling, lightly touching the belly

From the time the baby was a fetus, the baby knew how to yearn for love. So a light touch on the belly also makes the baby form positive emotions and develop psychologically in the most comprehensive way. In addition, the love and caress of parents will also help the baby develop personality and love himself more in the future.

The role of the father

Many people think that only the mother can teach the child, but in fact, the father also has a very important role in the process of teaching. Detail:

  • Give your baby peace of mind and intimacy.
  • Children's psychology and personality develop better.
  • Stimulate baby's thinking development.
  • Help mom to be mentally strong.